In a bit of a rush and a bit of a hurry, a new home may be heading our way. After spending many months detesting our chunk of Swindon, a spot of criminal damage (thankfully, not to us), some unpleasant incidents with my kids and the locals, we started looking around to find the way out of here, and things have been much easier than we anticipated. With some help from my mum, a bank that is paying less than 0.5% on one of her savings accounts (thanks, Barclays. If you'd offered decent customer service, none of this would be happening. I seriously, seriously owe you one. They quoted us a stupidly high interest rate for the mortgage as well, which is the ironic thing) we're on our way onto the home ownership ladder. And frankly, it's terrifying.
I love the house so much, though. It reminds me of one of my favourite places in the world, Mackintosh's Hill House up in Scotland, with the way they've placed the windows. The stairs have a fantastic twist- a full 180 degree turn- and look like something out of an Agatha Christie novel, and the living room has- get this- BOTH a bay window and french windows opening into the garden. Which is huge, at least by the standards of a new build in 21st century Britain. Oh, I love this house so much, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong. If things continue at this speed, we might be exchanging contracts before Easter and in shortly after.
And in other news, my sons' handwriting is now considerably more legible than when I last posted. There's hope for them yet :) Even more shocking- well, that's another post. I'm crocheting.