It's been a week here for learning lots of new stuff. Whilst picnicking with Rachel from the comments (I love being able to say that, it makes me feel like the Yarn Harlot. I wish she had a blog, though) Skye took possession of the camera. We had pictures of sheep, more pictures of sheep, and even more pictures of sheep. We had pictures of fuzzy baby hair, and a million trillion pictures of other people's children. It's all good. I know the baby is no longer a baby, and has this whole Jim Morrison thing going with his hairdo, but bear with me, please. And I am unbelievably impressed with the total lack of headlessness and leglessness of said animals, and the fact that she has less camera shake than me. Oh yes, the girl has talent. Jenn, that's the Uffington White Horse you can see behind the sheep.

Next, for your delectation, we have the rainbow hexagon crochet thingummy, which hopefully will become big enough to be a cushion cover. It's wonky, yes, and exceptionally imperfect, but I like it. The directions came from
Attic 24, my current favourite source of lifestyle pronography- which is, if I'm honest, at least 90% related to the fact that her children are in school full time. I am looking forward to the days when I get time to play with kids and knit and spin and clean and I haven't have to do everything all at once. This was destined for the study at the new house, but DH has just declared his intention to put his lightsabers in there and I'm not honestly convinced that high-tech futuristic weaponry and handhooked wonkiness are a natural combination- though they are both pretty colours. What do you think?
And finally, the world's heaviest easter egg- maybe. This beauty was loitering in Sue Ryder yesterday, and we swept her up and brought her home with me. Isn't she lovely?