Sunday, 8 February 2009


One of the things on my new, improved domestic management schedule is to bake on Sundays, so that we have cakes and biscuits in for lunchboxes throughout the weeks, and as I swept a pair of doughnut pans off the shelves in Lidl the week before Christmas, I have been itching for a chance to use them. Therefore, Sunday morning this week was taken up with a batch of these beauties, which are, frankly, simple enough that a child of 3 can make them with minimal help from adults.

The recipe:
200mls milk
2 eggs
250g self-raising flour (or plain flour pimped with baking powder. I'd probably use two scant teaspoons here, as I think mine were somewhat over-risen.)
150g sugar. Reasonably, you could take this down to 100g or possibly even less, especially if you're icing them.
1 tablespoon oil.
Pinch of salt

Employ the kitchen mixer of your choice (in my case, the 3yo) to combine all ingredients together. Use a spoon, as the batter should be slightly too thick to whisk effectively- it's definitely a dropping batter rather than a pouring batter. This batter should make enough for a tablespoon in each divit, which will be plenty. Honest. Less really IS more here. Bake for 10 minutes until firm all the way through and remove from the oven. If necessary, replace the holes in the doughnuts with the handle of a wooden spoon.

We poured a glace icing over the top, but I don't recommend it- just dunk it instead and for the maximum amount of added crap possible, dunk the iced side into sprinkles. Clean the kitchen whilst the icing sets (with both icing sugar and flour involved, there was more white powdery stuff inside than outside today) and then eat. Both good, and very, VERY quick and easy.
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1 comment:

I hear voices in my head, they talk to me, they talk to me, they understand. Save me from the voices and leave a comment already, huh?