New baby arrives next month, and in the spirit of new parenthood, my plastic has been taking a bashing. Firstly, the folding wheel, to enable me to separate the toddler from my spinning, and vice versa. Kromski Sonata, brand new (only got it working last night) and I'm finding a fairly big adjustment process to a double treadle, and having to relearn drafting. Ho hum.
And secondly, the unwashed, unblocked, pile of baby knitting. There will be more to come, but on top of the stuff we have left from River, I have another cardigan for the noob, another hat and a blanket, plus a baby surprise jacket. There will be more to come as well. I'm counting down the days til Christmas, and I honestly am looking forward to it.
Bonfire night tonight! DH is at work until late, so I'm considering being reckless and taking the kids to not one, but two displays this year (in addition to the free fireworks our local motorcycle dealer put on last weekend. What do you think?
To clarify, we're also buying a new shopping basket for the double buggy and a new carseat, but hey, the wheel is more important. To me, anyhow.